100 Tallest Completed Buildings in the World

I 100 edifici completati piu' alti la mondo

100 Tallest Completed Buildings in the World L'elenco dei 100 edifici piu' alti completati nel 2017.
100 Tallest Completed Buildings in the World by Height.

N.Building NameCityCountryHeight (m)Height (ft)FloorsCompletedMaterialUse
81 U.S. Bank Tower Los Angeles United States 310.3 1,018 73 1990 steel office
82 Ocean Heights Dubai Arab Emirates 310 1,017 83 2010 concrete residential
83 Menara TM Kuala Lumpur Malesia 310 1,017 55 2001 concrete office
84 Pearl River Tower Guangzhou China 309.4 1,015 71 2013 composite office
85 Fortune Center Guangzhou China 309.4 1,015 68 2015 composite office
86 Emirates Tower Two Dubai Arab Emirates 309 1,014 56 2000 composite hotel
87 Stalnaya Vershina Moscow Russia 308.9 1,013 72 2015 composite residential / hotel / office
88 Burj Rafal Riyadh Saudi Arabia 307.9 1,010 68 2014 concrete residential / hotel
89 The Franklin - North Tower Chicago United States 306.9 1,007 60 1989 composite office
90 Cayan Tower Dubai Arab Emirates 306.4 1,005 73 2013 concrete residential

  born from an idea of © Alberto Bellina
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