N. | Museo | Citta' | Nazione | Numero di visitatori |
31 | Museum of Fine Arts | Boston | United States | 1,405,398 |
32 | Palazzo Ducale | Venice | Italy | 1,403,524 |
33 | Museum of New Zealand Te Papa | Wellington | New Zealand | 1,368,100 |
34 | State Tretyakov Gallery | Moscow | Russia | 1,344,915 |
35 | De Young Museum | San Francisco | United States | 1,344,112 |
36 | Pergamonmuseum | Berlin | Germany | 1,305,000 |
37 | Art Gallery of New South Wales | Sydney | Australia | 1,274,950 |
38 | Acropolis Museum | Athens | Greece | 1,244,702 |
39 | Los Angeles County Museum of Art | Los Angeles | United States | 1,238,434 |
40 | Galleria dell’Accademia | Florence | Italy | 1,231,104 |
Contries - Nazioni:
Gross domestic product 2015 - Prodotto Interno Lordo 2015
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Companies - Aziende:
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Architecture - Archittetura:
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Wine - Vino:
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Other - Altro:
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The 100 most visited art museums in the world - I 100 musei d'Arte più visitati al mondo
The 100 countries by military expenditures - I 100 stati con la maggior spesa militare
born from an idea of © Alberto Bellina
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www.abspace.it spaces: SchoolSpace
www.PhotoFromTheWorld.com: best photos from the World
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