N. | Nome | Alias | Media | Followers | Following |
1 | 4,448 | 224,906,278 | 199 | ||
2 | Selena Gomez | selenagomez | 1,319 | 122,519,179 | 273 |
3 | Ariana Grande | arianagrande | 3,178 | 109,668,600 | 1,359 |
4 | Cristiano Ronaldo | cristiano | 1,861 | 104,578,458 | 374 |
5 | Beyonce Knowles | beyonce | 1,452 | 103,610,630 | 0 |
6 | Taylor Swift | taylorswift | 976 | 102,881,100 | 94 |
7 | Kim Kardashian | kimkardashian | 3,820 | 101,250,304 | 107 |
8 | Kylie Jenner | kyliejenner | 5,204 | 95,292,398 | 173 |
9 | The Rock | therock | 2,884 | 88,749,666 | 180 |
10 | Justin Bieber | justinbieber | 4,015 | 88,639,843 | 66 |
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born from an idea of © Alberto Bellina
'Make the top 100 rankings'
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