N. | Nome | Alias | Tweets | Followers | Following |
1 | Katy Perry | katyperry | 8,464 | 99,829,225 | 205 |
2 | Justin Bieber | justinbieber | 30,664 | 96,407,468 | 303,528 |
3 | Barack Obama | BarackObama | 15,451 | 90,597,142 | 629,544 |
4 | Taylor Swift | taylorswift | 134,161 | 84,950,820 | 245 |
5 | Rihanna | rihanna | 9,915 | 73,900,400 | 1,130 |
6 | TheEllenShow | TheEllenShow | 14,439 | 69,757,450 | 36,104 |
7 | YouTube | YouTube | 20,017 | 68,702,510 | 1,001 |
8 | Lady Gaga | ladygaga | 8,330 | 66,952,487 | 129,387 |
9 | Justin Timberlake | jtimberlake | 3,617 | 61,278,548 | 239 |
10 | 5,219 | 60,973,741 | 164 |
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